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Dance Theatre
Learning, Collaboration,
Innovation, Impact
Lauren Tucker
About Lauren:
Tuckshop Dance Theatre presents Our Secret Garden
Why Culture and Creativity is at the heart of everything that we do...
"We believe in the inherent value of creativity and culture: in their power to delight and move us, and in their capacity to help us make sense of the world. But we also know that investment in creativity and culture can deliver broad social benefits, through the skills they offer to young people and workers, the economic growth they generate, and the part they play in building healthy, closeknit communities." (Arts Council England)
"Art should always continue to build on what has come before and what is concurrent; it has a responsibility to mediate and to pioneer. In the case of technology, innovation offers opportunities to reimagine the familiar. Ultimately, the tools an artist decides to use is up to them - there are no rules after all."